Plasma Filler Brightening Treatment
Care Instructions

This innovative therapy involves extracting a small amount of blood, isolating the growth factors and proteins within the blood, and then forming a highly concentrated gel. This gel can be injected into targeted areas of the face to reduce wrinkles and fine lines, improve skin texture and tone, and enhance the shape and volume of the lips and cheeks. It's considered a safe and temporary alternative to traditional fillers and is used for areas traditionally challenging to improve. This 5ML treatment is injected using a microcannula technique for tear troughs, cheeks, nasal folds, corners of the mouth lip lines, chin wrinkles and the lip for volume and brightening. (AKA EzGel or PlasmaFiL)

Prepare For Your Procedure

  1. Avoid Alcohol – Abstaining from alcohol for 2 to 3 days before your appointment is recommended, as alcohol can act as a blood thinner and elevate the risk of bruising.
  2. Avoid herbal supplements such as fish oil, ginkgo, ginseng, St. John's Wort, and garlic pills. Continuing a multivitamin is fine.
  3. For best results, increase protein intake one week prior and for one week after. Avoid Process foods and sugar. Increase water consumption 24 ours beforehand.
  4. If possible, schedule a cardiovascular workout prior to your procedure.
  5. Discuss any allergies and all current medications with your provider beforehand. Let your Cult Aesthetics Clinic provider know if you have autoimmune diseases, bleeding disorders, uncontrolled diabetes, those who are pregnant, suffering from illnesses or infections, or with a history of keloid scarring or cold sores prior to your procedure.

The Day of Your Procedure

  1. Please arrive at the office without make-up and a clean face. Pre-procedure photos will be taken.
  2. Your provider will apply topical numbing to the area prior to the procedure.
  3. Blood Collection: A small amount of blood will be drawn from your arm. This is similar to a routine blood test.
  4. Processing the Blood: The collected blood will be processed to isolate the growth factors and proteins needed to create the EzGel. This process can take 40 minutes.
  5. Injection of EzGel: The prepared EzGel will be carefully injected into the targeted areas of your face using a small needle or cannula.
  6. The injection takes about 30 minutes, however this will depend on the number of threads used and the treatment area to be covered.

After Your Procedure

  1. The treated area can be gently washed after 4-5 hours.
  2. Avoid any makeup for 12 hours post procedure.
  3. Avoid facials, massage, laser, IPL, or skin tightening treatments of the area for at least 4 weeks following your sculptra or radiesse treatment. The treatment area should not be massaged for the first month.
  4. Refrain from vigorous physical activity, sources of heat (saunas) and alcohol consumption for the first 24 hours post-treatment to minimize the risk of bruising.
  5. To decrease bruising and swelling, lightly apply ice to the treated area in intervals of 10-15 minutes for the first 1-2 hours after the procedure. Taking Zytrec and Pepcid during the day and Benadryl at night can decrease swelling.
  6. Avoid sleeping face down or on your side for 2-3 days post procedure. Sleep face up if possible.
  7. Limit exposure to strong sunlight or extreme temperatures until any swelling or redness subsides. Use a mineral-based sunscreen with SPF 30+ for protection.
  8. EzGel is considered safe, but as with any medical procedure, there are potential risks. Discuss these with your healthcare provider. In the unlikely chance that you experience ANY of the following signs and symptoms: Increasing pain, redness, swelling, significant bruising or darkening at or around the treatment area lasting over 5 days, notable change in temperature to the skin surrounding the treatment area, drainage or fever over 100.5 F or ANY other concerns you may have any other unusual symptoms call your provider directly at the Cult Aesthetics Clinic.
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