BBL Light Therapy
Care Instructions

The natural extrinsic consequences of aging on skin include sun damage, freckles, age spots, and redness caused by broken capillaries and rosacea. Some skin defect consequences may arise from intrinsic hormonal factors that create an over production of melanin as in melasma or hereditary factors that produce more vessels. Phototherapy involves the reduction of these signs of aging and skin defects using non-invasive pulses of BroadBand Light (BBL).

If brown spots are the target, BBL penetrates the skin to reach the melanocytes. The particles of the cells left behind will peel or slough off within 7-14 days.

If redness is the target, blood vessels in the deeper layers of the skin absorb the light and the heat created by the light damages the vessels. The vessels are shut down and the body continues to absorb the destroyed vessel remnants.

There is no recovery time and a low risk of complications with Phototherapy treatments. Multiple sessions are performed every 2-4 weeks until the desired result has been achieved.

Prepare For Your Procedure

  1. Avoid extended sun exposure, i.e. beach, travel to sunny locations, sunbathing, sports outdoors for two weeks prior to treatment. Visible tan lines cannot be present anywhere on the area to be treated.
  2. Refrain from using self tanning products and lotions that contain gradual tanners two weeks prior to treatment.
  3. Cease the use of any facial products containing salicylic acid, glycolic acid or retinoid acid a minimum of 3 days prior to your treatment.
  4. For certain skin types it may be necessary to pre-treat the areas with Retin-A and Hydroquinone for 4-6 weeks prior to the treatment. Your laser Technician will discuss this with you and plan ahead.
  5. Avoid products or treatments that irritate the skin for two weeks prior to treatment: chemical peels, waxing, and chemical depilatories, etc.
  6. Discuss any allergies and all current medications with your provider beforehand. Let your CULT Aesthetics Clinic provider know if you are awaiting a skin cancer screening or have been diagnosed with skin cancer in the past, have a history of melasma on the face, taking Isotretinoin or any Accutane type medications, have autoimmune diseases, bleeding disorders, uncontrolled diabetes, if you are pregnant, suffering from illnesses or infections, have active acne or with a history of keloid scarring or cold sores prior to your procedure.
  7. Please let your provider know if you have a social event in the next two weeks.

The Day of Your Procedure

  1. Please arrive at the office without make-up and a clean face. Pre-procedure photos will be taken. There is no need for topical anesthetic and numbing is not recommended for BBL Light therapy alone. Bring a wide brimmed hat to wear on the day of the procedure.
  2. The procedure will take approximently 30 minutes and can be followed by botox, filler microneedling or other laser procedures. Your eyes will be protected with safety shields or glasses. You may briefly feel a warm or rubber band snap sensation as the light is absorbed. If the BBL is stacked with MOXI you will be numbed after the BBL in preparation for the MOXI treatment.
  3. Soothing aftercare will be applied after the procedure. Please be prepared to protect your skin from the sun.

After Your Procedure

  1. A sunburn-like effect is normal. You may experience some redness in the treatment area that should resolve within a few hours but may continue for 12 hours post treatment.
  2. If the skin appears red or swollen (sunburn sensation), an icepack can provide comfort, same as Vitamin E or Aloe Vera applied to the treatment area. In rare cases, oral pain relievers, i.e. Extra Strength Tylenol or Advil, may be used.
  3. You may notice darkening of your pigmented spots (peppering), followed by fading and flaking off at a later stage (7-14 days). While the skin is healing, avoid anything that will irritate the skin, such as exfoliants, shaving, too hot or too cold water and swimming pools and spas with multiple chemicals/chlorine.
  4. Stay out of the sun for at least 14 days post-treatment. When outdoors, wear a hat and a broad-spectrum 30+ sunscreen. No tanning for at least 3 months after procedure.
  5. Avoid strenuous exercises that cause sweating. Avoid jacuzzi, sauna, or steam baths for 3 days after treatment- This may cause post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
  6. If redness in the face (vascularity) is treated with BBL avoid alcohol, spicy foods, and caffeine for 24 hours post treatment.

DAY 2-5

  1. Sloughing may start 3-5 days after treatment. You will notice skin dryness and flaking. This is due to an increased turnover of skin cells. Do not pick, scratch, or scrub at treated skin! Allow old skin to flake off naturally and KEEP SKIN MOISTURIZED AT ALL TIMES. For extra dry skin, apply moisturizer every two hours if needed. Wear SPF daily

DAY 5-7

  1. You may restart your regular skincare products and Retin-A once your skin is no longer irritated. Many patients have noticed continued skin improvement for months following treatment.
  2. For best results, we recommend follow-up and repeat treatments in 4-6 weeks and a series of 3-5 treatments depending on your personalized care plan.
  3. For any concerns or unexpected changes to your skin, please contact your provider at Cult Aesthetics Clinics directly.
  4. In the unlikely chance that you experience ANY of the following signs and symptoms: Increasing pain, redness, swelling, significant bruising or darkening at or around the treatment area lasting over 5 days, notable change in temperature to the skin surrounding the treatment area, drainage or fever over 100.5 F or ANY other concerns you may have any other unusual symptoms call your provider directly at the CULT Aesthetics Clinic.
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